Japan – a country full of exciting cultural contrasts, nevertheless its culture has accompanied me since ages and not only in a culinary way. Japanese roots have great effects on fashion, too. An outstanding example of a successful mixture of surreal sensibility combined with straight beauty is provided by Dead Lotus Couture, founded by the designer Nange Magros. Her origins are colourful and manifold. She´s a designer, a musician and an artist, studied art and fashion in Milan and London, where she launched her label in 2011. The Dead Lotus Couture designs are a declaration of love to fantasy, but also big science fiction fairy tales or furious explorations between the sober present and the surreal world of dreams. A fascinating combination of facts, fiction, intellect and art.
With her fashion Nange Magros tells a story of a futuristic world with armored heroes, simultaneously it is a post-apocalyptic journey into the world of Steampunk and Cyberfashion, every piece with haute couture details and custom printed fabric label. The idea of a head interface handling shape and color of our clothing is as well part of her designs as the fascination of a never-ending technical progress. The passion for latex is based on its close fitting processing and its high flexibility enabling a tight image of the human body as well as its shaping. Every collection is influenced by fairy tales, mythology or history and naturally by Manga and Anime. She loves challenges enabling her to convert her collected impressions into outstanding unique pieces.
The wonderful creative world of Nange Magros also includes other areas. She´s a musician and plays in a rock band. Furthermore, she designs futuristic video installations where her fashion creations are self-evidently playing an essential part. When she is doing all this stuff and what kind of time management is enabling her to do so, this will stay her secret forever. Fashionable latex lovers will rejoice whilst a visit of her Onlineshop. If you want to know more about her artistic creations, have a look at www.nange.co.uk. I myself couldn’t dither with regard to the variety of images.