24. August 2011 Comments (1) Pin-Up, Vintage

24. August 2011 Comments (1) Pin-Up, Vintage

Luxury Vintage inspired Swimwear by Jemma Jube – Slippery when wet

I actually wanted to start this article with a german classic song “Packt die Badehose ein, nimm dein kleines Schwesterlein – denn der Sommer tritt endlich ein….”, motivating its hearers to pack there bathing clothes to get ready for the upcoming summer. But when I look out my window here in Berlin, it would more seem like a bad joke. However, there is a label with vintage inspired bathing fashion that needs to be mentioned in this little compendium of alternative retro, vintage, latex and burlesque fashion. The Bombshell Bay Swimwear is what you can check out to get more options on swimwear. The clothes of Jemma Jube combine the tricky vintage look with modern influences and let feminine figures shine brightly. Superheroes and supergirls are have been the major basis for these cute pieces that look best on hot days. Of course, this label comes from Australia, where else, but these pieces are produced with much passion for detail in France.

Somehow, this sweet retro and vintage fashion has long stuck in the pipeline before it was made a topic in this burlesque fashion section, but the weather in Germany doesn’t really invite you to go swimming and go on a trip to a lake or the German sea, as long as you’re not dressed up in a lovely rain coat. However, those cute yellow rain coats would almost perfectly match the 60ties bikinis or tiger bathing suits… What a sensational combination 🙂

Moreover, the amazing Jemma Jube SUPERSALE – or as Germans say: SCHNÄPPCHEN – and free shipping to Europe has started. Still, this is not enough: There is an exclusive surprise for the readers of Burlesque-Fashion.com. You can win one of those brilliant bathing suits. The designer promised me to give the “Bonnie Neckholder” (first suit on image) to someone that “BECOME A FAN” to the JEMMA JUBE FACEBOOK page and leaves a comment right here on THIS blog saying why you really need to wear this vintage bathing suit this season. The most creative answer will win the cute piece. The deadline will be September 1st 2011.


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